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Hello,I lost the Zemax license because my laptop suddenly broke down. Is it possible to recover the license to transfer it to a new computer or create a new license? I still have the hard drive with the installation.Thank you
Dear Experts,I have collimated a single-mode fiber (mode field radius 5.2um) output with a collimating lens and a beam expanding telescope. I propagate the beam over a long distance.To check the collimation (and later do some tolerancing analysis) I have used a Paraxial Gaussian Beam Analysis:Surface 29 is the output of the telescope. I have a divergence of 23.99urad and a beam size (radius assuming 1/e²) of 20.931mm. Propagation distance is 1e9mm, which gives me the 24m (my paper calculation) in agreement with the IMA beam size (radius). So far as expected.Now I do a POP propagation:Beam irradiance at surface 29 looks a bit disturbed, but not too bad, and it confirms the 20.9mm beam radius:In the IMA plane Surface 31 I get the following graph:The pilot size (shown on the bottom) is 24.4m (close to the paraxial results and what I would have expected from the divergence). The beam width is shown to be 233m? Not sure what this means. If I look into the cross section graph and estimate th
If you system has vignetting, is there a way to list surface(s) are doing the vignetting?Thank you,John
Our team of product managers will be hosting a webinar to educate you about the new advancements in Zemax’s 22.1 releases of OpticStudio, the OpticStudio STAR Module, and OpticsBuilder.The details of the webinar are below! This thread will be used to collect questions before the webinar, and to answer any questions we received during the webinar. Feel free to post your questions! Be sure to subscribe to this thread if you want to see additional discussion regarding this topic. The thread will be open to comments until Thursday, February 17th. Webinar details:Register here: Registration for this event has closed. View the event on-demand.Date: Thursday, February 10thTime: 6:00am PST & 11:00am PSTPresenters: Tom Pickering, Manager Product Management Esteban Carbajal, Senior Product Manager Lisa Clauson, Senior Product ManagerAbstract: Zemax recently launched new updates for OpticStudio, OpticStudio STAR Module, and OpticsBuilder. OpticStudio 22.1 starts the year by improving algorit
Hello all, I’ve been working on a magnifying lens design, and I find the MTF is good but the ray fan and the spot diagram are not that good. If I trust the MTF result, the lens design is finished, but if I trust the ray fan and spot diagram result , the design still needs further optimization. What should I do next? [Edit: Screenshots removed by mod.]
I have use Image simulation tool to evaluate the image quality of my setup. There are different parameters in its setting, and I wonder what the realistic values of this parameter are. In attachment I specified some of these parameters affecting the simulation results, such as “Oversampling”, “Pupil/Image Sampling, and “PSF-X/Y Points. I really appreciate in advanced if someone can assist me regarding the correct values of aforementioned parameters.
Hello, my problem is the following:I would like to create a spherical surface (z=r-sqrt(r^2-(x2.^2)-(y2.^2))) using grid sag. Firstly, I created a MATLAB script to generate the .dat file which contains the surface info with this aspect:nx ny delx dely unitflag xdec ydecz dz/dx dz/dy d2z/dxdy nodata..The problem is that when I import the file to Zemax, it creates a surface like this one instead of a sphere:My MATLAB Code:%% Generating the spherex=linspace(-5,5,1000);y=linspace(-5,5,1000);[x2,y2]=meshgrid(x,y);r=40; %radius (mm)z=r-sqrt(r^2-(x2.^2)-(y2.^2)); %Equation%% Zemax file%Vector definition (nx ny delx dely unitflag(mm) decx decy)dat=[1000 1000 0.01 0.01 0 0 0];%z y derivatives vector:dzdx=zeros(1000000,1);dzdy=zeros(1000000,1);dzdxdy=zeros(1000000,1);nodata=zeros(1000000,1);z_columna=reshape(z,1000000,1);dato=[z_columna dzdx dzdy dzdxdy nodata];%File creation (.dat):eval(['fid=fopen("esfera40.dat", ''w'');']);fprintf(fid, '%d %d %1.10g %1.10g %1.f %1.f %1.f \n', dat(1), dat(2),
Hi all,in order to define the characteristics of a non-transparent material I would like to be able to define the scatter parameters of the material as a variable in the Volume Physics (see image) tab and apply a merit function using characteristics known and tested in the laboratory.Is this possible?Thanks to all
I am currently doing an optical experiment with wavefront sensor and got a wavefront map from a lens that we unknow its surface properties. We are trying to input the wavefront map to ZEMAX and translate them to optical infromation like the focal length, Sedial abberation. Is there a way to solve?
WelcomeWelcome to the February edition of the Zemax’s Community review newsletter! This newsletter provides updates for you, the user, on items you might find interesting or helpful from the last month! In this article, we will call out forum posts you may have missed, new Knowledgebase articles, and will honor a Zemax user who has made a contribution to their peers! Check out each of these items below:Welcome Webinar Q&A - Send in your questions! Influence what’s coming in OpticStudio! Featured Community Posts: Image Simulation Knowledgebase Updates Zemax-er Spotlight: Yuan ChenIs there something else you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments below! Webinar Q&A - Send in your questions!Did you know you can now submit your questions for our technical webinars directly to the speakers both before and after the webinar occurs? For each technical webinar delivered by Zemax staff, speakers are opening up a discussion thread. This thread is open one week prior to the webinar ai
Join us for our monthly “Ask an Engineer” event! On February 17th at 8am PST, Hui Chen will be answering your questions about modeling fiber coupling in OpticStudio. This event will be hosted on this thread in text form with a focus on the spotlighted topic… Topic: Modeling Fiber Coupling in OpticStudioDates: February 3rd - February 17thLive Discussion Time: 8am - 9am PST, February 17thEngineer: @Hui Chen - Senior Application Engineer at AnsysSubmit your questions for Hui as a reply to this thread between now and the end of the event. Questions added to the discussion will be answered starting at 8am Pacific on February 17th. Once the event is concluded, the thread will be closed.If your question pertains to a particular file, the question may be moved to a private support case. In that situation, your license support status will be considered. Do you have a topic you want to see during these events? Let us know here: Ask an Engineer proposed topics.
Some of the tutorials in the Knowledgebase reference a thing called a "dummy surface" but I don't see that as an option under surface types in Sequential mode. What exactly is it? When would I use it?
In Q3 2021, Zemax partnered with the Optica Foundation to identify and support exceptional optics-focused students in emerging economies. I’m very excited to have these individuals join our ranks within the Zemax user community, and I hope that everyone will join me in welcoming and mentoring them.Samuel ( @sizapatav23 ) - Jesus ( @cansecodiaz ) - Naresh ( @Naresh.Kumar ) - Anda-Maria ( @Maria T ) - Adewale ( @adewale ) - Melvin ( @Melvin.James ) For the students, please reply on this thread to tell the community a bit about yourself! I think we’d all like to know…Degree you’re pursuing Your academic institution What are your passions within the field of optics? What do you hope to study or learn with your OpticStudio software? Is there anything you’d like to ask of the community members?
Hi zemax users.I am suhwanI have a question.The path of light movement is strange at the stop position of the lens I am designing.I will attach the image.What is the cause of this problem?
Tech Tip Tuesdays with Zemax: Human Tissue Modeling In my last article I wrote about the power of custom coatings in OpticStudio, how to create them and the ramifications of model detail. OpticStudio has a lot of breadth, and this allows a user great flexibility when creating a model. In this example, we’ll explore how you can extend a model with simplistic assumptions to a more complex multi-physics model using more realistic conditions or even incorporate measured data. The materials catalog can be found under the Libraries tab, then Materials Catalog OpticStudio has extensive catalogs of materials and their associated optical properties. Model materials may also be created to address unusual needs not covered by optical catalogs. This allows the user to define custom materials for nearly any discipline, such as heat shields, fiber for lasers, and even human skin. In the case of human skin, each layer can be accounted for independently and the data can be saved as a new mat
I got three different MTF distributions. Why they are different and how can we eliminate the difference? Which one shall I trust?For example, when I set the entrance pupil diameter to 1 for \Zemax\Samples\Short course\Optical System Design Using OpticStudio\sc_dbga1.zmx I got this:
Hello,I have a problem with some projects.After downloading new version, Zemax shuts down after few/several operations (sometimes it doesn’t even open file). Recovered file acts same way.I tried to get back to older version, but it can’t open files, which are made in new version.I am attaching simple file that makes problems.
Dear all,I am trying to obtain the PSF of an imaging system, which consists of an objective lens, a doublet lens, and a reflecting surface. The reflective surface and lenses for forming an image on an image plane were delineated in non-sequential mode, but the objective and doublet were delineated sequentially, so I'm working in mixed mode. My first attempt at evaluating the system is to use the FFTPSF, but I only get the message “Sampling too low, data inaccurate!”. After modifying the sampling and the Image Delta, I still get the same results. Thus, I think it may be an issue with the mixed-mode system that cannot calculate the wavefront. My original plan was to convert all components to sequential, then get the PSF, but they did not work properly once I converted them. I would be happy if anyone could come and discuss the issue. Kind regards,Amir
I am a student of the University of Rochester. Yesterday, my computer failed and I reinstall the system. Thus, I lost my license, is there any way to get my license back?
Dear community,as part of my bachelor thesis, I’m trying to find a solution to compensate the refraction of a glass cylinder. I’m afraid, I don’t have sufficient time to gain enough skills on the program although I already did many of the tutorials.During my literature research, I found out, that a pair of mirror-symmetric meniscus lenses should solve my problem. I tried to optimize my model of the optical system (see file), but several tries did not work. :-(I really appreciate your help!Thank you,Elias
Hello everyone,I am trying to see the angle of incidence on the merit function editor for a predefined field. My aim is to see the exact numbers that is defined by Field Editor field angle with the MFE using an appropriate operand. Although I tried a couple of them, on the MFE I couldn't manage to read the same value of angle in degrees as defined in Field Data Editor. Samples->Sequential->Objectives->Double Gauss 28 degree fieldCan you please comment on this?Regards,
I have a simple lens system that has a fixed distance between a mechanical measurement datum and the sensor. A doublet + 2 windows is designed to accommodate object positions (working length) from 6 to -2 diopters when adjusted within its mechanical travel limits. Layout above is shown at 6 diopters.I have large data set of measurements where the accommodation is shifted 0.5 diopters (5.5 to -2.5) from what is predicted by the Optics Studio model. I’ve checked with multiple sensors, a different focus lens with same focal length, and double checked all the mechanical dimensions. The focus travel limit position error for the 0.5 diopter shift is on the order of 0.010” and my measurement confidence is ~+/- 0.001”.I’ve considered error from wavelength, focus criteria, dimensional measurements.Is there any fundamental reason I shouldn’t expect better agreement between the model and measurements?Any thoughts would be appreciated!Thank you,John
I want to simulate stray light effects with a barrel in OpticsStudio non sequential. I’m not an expert with scatter profiles, and looking for a library of some common generic mechanical parts like raw aluminum and black anodized aluminum.I looked in the ‘IS Scatter Catalog’ under generic, but only see 2 options.I realized there is lot of complexity to the details, but it seems like OpticsBuilder has some simple canned choices like ‘Black Anodized’.Is there a way to access those libraries in OpticsStudio? Any other resources anyone can recommend? Thank you,John