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Welcome to the December edition of the Zemax’s Community newsletter! 

This newsletter provides updates for you, the user, on items you might find interesting or helpful from the last month! Check out each of these items below:

Is there something else you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments below!


Featured Community Posts

In the last month, we’ve seen a couple of topics really take off. Click below to see the latest. In particular, take a look at the first link wherein we discussed the relationship between POP and a user’s published paper: Refractive index of biological tissues: Review, measurement techniques, and applications

Lumerical RCWA和Zemax OpticStudio的动态链接 | Zemax Community


With the year coming to a close, we looked back at our most popular forum posts from 2022. Take a look at the top 5 below. Is there one you think should have made this list? Let us know in the comments!

公差分析時會看到的Root Sum Square (RSS) 有什麼意義? | Zemax Community


Knowledgebase Updates

Our team is constantly working on new tutorial content for our users. Check out the latest updates from the last month below:

  • Designing Cell phone Camera Lenses Part 3: STOP analysis by using STAR module and ZOS-API by @Julia Zhang and @Esteban Carbajal 

    This article is the last part of a 3-part series that discusses the challenge of smartphone lens modules, from the conception and design to the manufacturing and analysis of structural deformation. It covers the automated structural, thermal, optical performance (STOP) analysis for the smartphone lens with the use of the STAR technology. The process of FEA data importing and fitting are automated by using ZOS-API. Optical performance analysis of thermally-induced structural deformation of the cellphone lens can be checked under different thermal conditions with not only the built-in analyses feature but also extend simulation by using ZOS-API user analysis.


  • Using the Export to Speos Lens System tool by @Kevin Scales 
    OpticStudio provides a built-in tool to generate a reduced-order model of the optical systems designed in OpticStudio for use in Speos, an Ansys software package used for rendering and visualization of comprehensive systems. The 'Export to Speos Lens System' tool, found in the File tab, creates a .OPTDistorion file that can be read into Speos as the reduced-order model. In this way, a lens system of a camera can be accurately simulated. This article guides us through the use of the tool and the loading of the resulting output file into a new Speos environment.


  • Ensuring the manufacturability of a freeform surface by DynaOptics
    The article is devoted to the main manufacturability parameters of freeform surfaces manufactured using a single-point diamond turning machine. It is explained how the manufacturability parameters are connected to instrument parameters. It is shown how to check and control those manufacturability parameters in OpticStudio. Also, it is explained how to deal with the behavior of a freeform surface outside its active area. As an example, a plastic freeform lens (an Alvarez lens element) is used.


Zemax-er Spotlight: Success Stories in 2022

Throughout this year, users across the globe have been pushing our software to new heights. From Research & Development to Manufacturing, users like you are testing the boundaries of optical simulation. With all of this incredible work happening, our team is choosing to highlight all users for this final month of the year. 

Want to see examples of some of the exciting work happening with Ansys Zemax products? Look no further.  Members of our team regularly scour recent industry news and published papers for examples of users’ great work. Then, our team compiles a summary of users’ efforts into individual success stories. Take a look at some of those stories here: Success Stories – Zemax

If you have a success story you’d like to share, leave a comment. Tell your peers about the work you’re doing, and we may be able to feature you on our blog in the upcoming year!


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