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ZOS-API, tolerancing scripts and saving Monte Carlo files

Hello !

I am currently struggling to use the ZOS-API (Python) and a .TSC tolerancing script in order to perform a tolerancing and save the resulting Monte-Carlo files. Here are the tests I performed:

  • Run the PythonStandalone_14_Seq_Tolerance script (which uses RMSSpotRadius as a criterion instead of UserScript)
    • Works like a charm, MC files are saved
  • Test my .TSC tolerancing script through the GUI
    • MC files are saved
  • Use a python script similar to PythonStandalone_14_Seq_Tolerance to apply the correct settings before tolerancing
    • Tolerancing is performed, the .TSC tolerancing script is executed and saves a result file as planned (using the OPENFILE, CLOSEFILE and REPORT commands) but the MC files are not saved (despite using the SAVE command)
    • However, if I use the python script to apply the settings and save them, and then use the GUI to load them and run the tolerancing, the MC files are saved
  • I tried saving MC files both through the .TSC tolerancing script (via the SAVE command) and via the tolerancing settings (with the NumberToSave property) and both do not work as far as I tried

Please, could you help me understand how I can save MC files from a tolerancing run performed via the API and a .TSC tolerancing script ?

Many thanks

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