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Extract accurate MTF from simulated scenes without resorting to FFT PSF

  • June 8, 2023
  • 1 reply



I am  using Zemax to simulate images of scenes through customized imaging setups. However, I am unable to simulate images of scene with sufficient resolution.

My current imaging setup convolves a complex PSF with the observed scene. Extracting actual scene information requires deconvolution of the image to obtain a meaningful image. This means that I cannot resort to the classical MTF procedure using the FFT of the simulated PSF, as it would only give me the MTF of the convoluted image.

I have therefore tried to proceed by scene analysis to extract MTF, i.e. simulate with Zemax the image of classic checkerboard patterns seen through my custom design and then in a second stage extract the MTF using image processing software. The core issue is that the resolution of images obtained after deconvolution are insufficient for image analysis and MTF extraction by slanted edge method.

Is there any way to get more accurate scene imaging through simulation with my setup? Or is there another method to assess MTF that is easy to apply to my case?

For additional information, I am using sequential Optics Studio, with pupil and image sampling at 1024x1024 (minimum), a PSF with extent 200 um, normal incidence, single wavelength in near IR.



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