Hi David,
Whenever there's a task that is simple, and needs to be repeated, I think about ZPL Macros. ZPL Macros are usually good at automating simple adjustment to the system.
Here is an example if you'd like to apply a Pick-Up Solve to all Coordinate Breaks within a range:
# This example is to replicate pick-up solve on Tilt About X in coordinate break
# Reference surface number
reference_surface = 1
# Pick-up parameters
scale_factor = 1
offset = 0
column = 0 # Current column
# Range for pick-ups replication
start_surface = 2
end_surface = 10
# Loop over the range
FOR surface, start_surface, end_surface, 1
# Test if surface is coordinate break
dummy = SPRO(surface, 0)
surface_type$ = $BUFFER()
IF(surface_type$ $== 'COORDBRK')
# Apply pick-up to coordinate breaks only
SOLVETYPE surface, PP_3, reference_surface, scale_factor, offset, column
# Update editors
Try using it on the dummy file I attach to this post. To install the ZPL Macro, copy the file MultiplePickups.ZPL to your \Documents\Zemax\Macros folder. Only Coordinate Break 1 has a Tilt About X of 5 degrees. The macro will identify coordinate breaks between surface 2-10, and apply a pick-up solve to surface 1 on each of them.
Look up the SOLVETYPE keyword in the Help File, the code PP_3 stands for Parameter 3 (Tilt About X).
Would anything like that work for you?
Take care,