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Could not renew licence.

  • 4 October 2023
  • 6 replies

I could not renew my ZEMAX support contract because I am self-employed.
My licence is a perpetual licence, which means that I can continue to use ZEMAX only in its current version.
I will continue to have questions about how to use ZEMAX.
I am looking for a place to discuss ZEMAX after I no longer have access to this community and for people to personally advise me on ZEMAX.
If you know of anyone who might be able to help, I would be grateful if you could respond. My email address is.

KIDA Hideki


Hi Kida-san,

I am not sure if you will lose your forum access once your license becomes  unsupported. That would be counter productive for ANSYS as people without current license can:

1- still contribute to technical discussions and,

2- see if Zemax new features discussed here would make it worth enough to renew their license.


There are sometimes a few Zemax topics discussed on the reddit optics forum. It’s only partially overlapping with Zemax forum, but you might find some help there.


Ray san,

Thank you for your reply.

I immediately registered on reddit.
It would be great if I could continue to access the community, but I have to think about what would happen if I could no longer access it.

@Hideki.Kida, I don’t think you’ll loose access to this community. If you read this post:

This is what @Nicholas Herringer said:

Regarding the topic of a paywall, we don’t intend to change the access standards we currently have in place for content hosted on legacy Zemax platforms (namely the forum and knowledgebase). We want to at least maintain (but ideally enhance) the experience we have in place today, and part of that means not adding paywalls to already public content. That said, to post on the forums, users will, of course, need to have an account and be logged in.

You need an account on the community forum, which you already have, and that’s it. It isn’t tied to your license status as far as I’m aware. And I truly hope they keep it that way.

Take care,


Hi Kida-san, 

I’m sorry to hear that you won’t be able to renew your license, but we hope to have you back under support sometime in the future. 

As @David.Nguyen mentions, I can confirm that you will not lose access to the forum after your license expires. The Zemax forums are intended to be a place for all of our software users, supported or not, to collaborate and share ideas. This is true now and will be true when we migrate these forums into a larger Ansys forum. Let me know if you have any questions about this, and I’ll be more than happy to discuss. 

Best Regards,


David-san and Nick-san,

Thanks for the reply.
The information that there will be no Paywall is very good news for me.
I am not very good at English, but I will actively use this FORUM in the future.
Thank you very much.



Hi Kida-san, 

Of course, we’re happy to help! If you would prefer to communicate in Japanese, we do also have a Japanese section of the forum: Japanese Forums (日本語フォーラム). Our engineers based in the Tokyo area monitor that space for customers who prefer Japanese. 🙂 

We do intend to keep this space (and the corresponding Chinese forum space) when we migrate our forums to the Ansys platform, as well. 

Have a great rest of your week!

Best Regards,

