Hi All,
I would like to ask two separate questions here:
- I ran the same POP.zmx file on two computers that have the same version of Zemax version, 2023.R2.02. System settings and POP settings are all the same. One gives fiber coupling efficiency 72% and the other one gives 80%. What could be the reasons behind this discrepancy?
- I ran that POP.zmx file on one computer that has Zemax version 2024.R2.02. It’s a simple optical system using two lenses collimating and coupling laser coming out from one fiber into the other one. I have a dummy surface before the first lens to check the beam. In the Physical Optics option under Surface properties, if I turned off “Auto Resample”, it gives coupling efficiency of 93% and a 10E+04 times higher total power (while the input is 1.0). However, if I turned on “Auto Resample”, it gives coupling efficiency of 77% and a 0.99 total power (more reasonable). My questions is: why sampling affects the fiber coupling efficiency calculation and which value is more trustable?
- Following the 2nd item, I ran the same POP.zmx file on one computer that has Zemax version 2023.R2.02. Resampling on that same surface does not change the coupling result. My question is: What is the difference between the sampling of 2023.R2 and 2024.R2?
Thank you for your help!