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Ray-tracing of a source in opposite direction?

  • 22 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi, I am doing a non-sequential ray trace of an optical system. I would like to add a second source but let the rays go in opposite direction of the Z-axis. I added a “Source Two Angle”, but it is going in the other direction, i.e. +Z direction. How do i get the rays to go in -Z- direction? Can i change the color of this source to distinguish between the two sources?

Many thanks!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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There are several solutions to this problem. An easy one is to apply a Tilt About X of 180 degrees to your source. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you and we can work out another solution.

The color of the rays can be changed in the settings of your viewer. By default, the rays are colored per source.

You might not have the same colors than me. You can edit the default color in Setup..OpticStudio Preferences..Colors.

I hope this helps and take care,



I see, I forgot about the tilt function. Thanks for the help.  
