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ZPL macro: Where can I find the list of "NSC_" for all the object types?

  • 5 November 2021
  • 4 replies

Hello Community,


I am working on making a macro and would like to know how I can set the object type, for example, Source Two Angle.

There is only one example that Standard Lens to be described as “NSC_SLEN” in the ZEMAX Manual and I cannot find the information for other objects.

Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Kind  regards,


Hi Ryo,


The description of SETNSCPROPERTY says:

The names for each object type are listed in the Prescription Report for each object type in the NSC editor

If you put a Source Two Angle in a Non-Sequential System, and open Analyze..Prescription Data and scroll inside that file to your Source Two Angle object you can find its keyword: NSC_SR2A.

Let me know if that helps.

Take care,



Thanks David! A full list is also available in the Help System file “The Programming Tab...About the ZPL...KEYWORDS (about the zpl)...SETNSCPROPERTY (keywords)” as shown below. 



Thanks Allie, I didn’t scroll down enough!

Hello David and Allie,


Thank you very much for your responses and they helped me a lot to save time!



