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Hi, I am trying to simulate the Z-Scan experiment with Zemax, but I need a macro program. I am sharing the experimental setup. It will move the piece used as a sample from 400mm to 600mm, and in the meantime, I need to reach the normalized transmittance value from the detectors. This will be graphed later, and how can I write a macro for this? I'll be happy if you can help me.

# Numune number
numune = 4
# dedector number
laserDedector = 5
dedector_1 = 6
dedector_2 = 7

# Minimum Z position
z_min = 400

# Maximum Z position
z_max = 600

# Z range
z_range = z_max - z_min

# Number of samples
samples = 10

# Z step size
z_step = z_range / ( samples - 1 )

# Z position array
DECLARE z_position, DOUBLE, 1, samples

DECLARE transmittance, DOUBLE, 1, samples

# Loop over the different Z positions
FOR z_indx, 0, samples-1, 1
    # Calculate new Z position
    z_pos = z_indx * z_step + z_min
    z_position(z_indx+1) = z_pos
    # Update detector Z position
    SETNSCPOSITION 1, numune, 3, z_pos
    # Clear detectors
    clear = NSDD(1, 0, 0, 0)
     # Raytrace
    NSTR 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0

    # transmittance 
    transmittance(z_indx+1) = NSDD(1, 6, 1, 1)

# Plot
PLOT TITLEX, "Z Position"
PLOT TITLEY, "Transmittance"
PLOT DATA, z_position, transmittance, samples, 1, 0, 0


What I have done so far is as mentioned above

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