
how open specified "Report Graph"?

  • 6 May 2024
  • 1 reply

how open specified "n x n Report Graph" with ZPL?


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +2



As far as I tested, it is not possible to create such reports in ZPL. I was curious and tried to look into the ZOS-API and it doesn’t look possible either. Interestingly though, if only a 2 x 2 Report Graphic is opnened before connecting the ZOS-API, upon connection, the ZOS-API will have 4 analyses opened corresponding to the analyses in the 2 x 2 Report Graphic. Therefore, I think it is left to the user to save the analyses they are interested in and make a report of their own so far. But I could be wrong.

Take care,


