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I’m converting ZPL macros to ZOS API using C#

I’ve having a hard time finding the corresponding API for the macro SPRO(surf, code) with Code = 18

From the macro documentation, code 18 will return the Glass Number (an integer?) for a Surface.

Does anyone know the corresponding   ZOS API code?


I currently use OpticalSystem.LDE.GetGlass() to get the glass name. How about accessing the glass number?


Hi Brian,

There is no “glass number” in the API.  In the ZPL, this is simply the order of the glass as they appear in the AGF/BGF glass catalog.  If you have multiple catalogs loaded, then the 2nd catalog starts as the n+1 glass number.  C# code to achieve this would be as follows (note that since this isn’t a built-in function and not documented in the Help Files, this is subject to change without warning):

private static int GlassNumber(IOpticalSystem opticalSystem, int surf)
int result = -1;
int gnum = 0;

var tool = opticalSystem.Tools.OpenMaterialsCatalog();
string ] catalogs = opticalSystem.SystemData.MaterialCatalogs.GetCatalogsInUse();
for (int i = 0; i < catalogs.Length; i++)
tool.SelectedCatalog = catalogs i];
string ] glasses = tool.GetAllMaterials();

for (int j = 0; j < glasses.Length; j++)
if (glassesij].ToUpper() == opticalSystem.LDE.GetSurfaceAt(surf).Material.ToUpper())
return gnum;


return result;


Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I was thinking that it was associated with the catalogs but I didn’t think of going into the Tools part of the
code.  I’m giving this a try now.

Thanks again.

