Hey, I’m very naïve to Zemax and ZOS-API.
I just tried to find the setting and run the code, but I couldn’t see the results from the image simulation.
I used the standalone application and here is my code.
# load local variables
TheApplication = zos.TheApplication
TheSystem = zos.TheSystem
# Insert Code Here
file = "C:/2021/Zemax_Image_Simulation/test.zmx"
cfg = "C:/2021/Zemax_Image_Simulation/test.CFG"
TheSystem.LoadFile(file, False)
TheImageSimulation = TheSystem.Analyses.New_ImageSimulation()
analysisSettings = TheImageSimulation.GetSettings()
analysisSettings.ModifySettings(cfg, 'ISM_INPUTFILE', "Text_100p_3x3_2_g1196x1279_dist.png")
analysisSettings.ModifySettings(cfg, 'ISM_FIELDHEIGHT', '15')
analysisSettings.ModifySettings(cfg, 'ISM_FLIPIMAGE', '3')
analysisSettings.ModifySettings(cfg, 'ISM_OUTPUTFILE', 'Test1.png')
a = TheImageSimulation.ApplyAndWaitForCompletion()
b = TheImageSimulation.GetResults()
after running the code, the “a” said “ successfully unlocked Spatial components”
I don’t think it went successful because it was completed too soon ~ 10 sec (it takes 1 or 2 minutes in zemax)
Could you guide me on how to debug this situation?