Dear All,
I would be very grateful if someone is able to provide insight into an error we’ve experienced using the ZOS-API in Matlab please.
We are simply trying to execute demo code
from the
“…Documents/Zemax/ZOS-API Sample Code/MATLAB” folder.
(It is also one of the examples in the webinar.)
At line 47:
“newWin_Settings.SampleSize = ZOSAPI.Analysis.SampleSizes.S_256x256;”
the code returns the following error:
“The class ZOSAPI.Analysis.SampleSizes has no Constant property or Static method named 'S_256x256'.”
Even when the default sampling in OpticStudio is manually changed to 256x256, such that
newWin_Settings.SampleSize =
the same error occurs.
We are able to perform the analysis and get the expected result manually in OpticStudio, it is only the API interface that is problematic.
I would really appreciate any suggestions towards understanding the problem.
Please let me know if any additional information would be helpful.
Thank you in advance for your time in this respect.