If I have several versions of ZOS installed on PC how can I specify in ZOS-API tool (Python) what version should be used?
Hi Andrey,
Thanks for your post here on the forums!
If you check the sample codes provided with OpticStudio in the ZOS-API Syntax help, or the boilerplate code, you can see that the python codes start as the following:
class PythonStandaloneApplication1(object):
class LicenseException(Exception):
class ConnectionException(Exception):
class InitializationException(Exception):
class SystemNotPresentException(Exception):
def __init__(self, path=None):
# determine location of ZOSAPI_NetHelper.dll & add as reference
aKey = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER), r'Software\Zemax', 0, winreg.KEY_READ)
zemaxData = winreg.QueryValueEx(aKey, 'ZemaxRoot')
NetHelper = os.path.join(os.sep, zemaxData[0], r'ZOS-API\Libraries\ZOSAPI_NetHelper.dll')
import ZOSAPI_NetHelper
# Find the installed version of OpticStudio
#if len(path) == 0:
if path is None:
isInitialized = ZOSAPI_NetHelper.ZOSAPI_Initializer.Initialize()
# Note -- uncomment the following line to use a custom initialization path
isInitialized = ZOSAPI_NetHelper.ZOSAPI_Initializer.Initialize(path)
# determine the ZOS root directory
if isInitialized:
dir = ZOSAPI_NetHelper.ZOSAPI_Initializer.GetZemaxDirectory()
raise PythonStandaloneApplication1.InitializationException('Unable to locate Zemax OpticStudio. Try using a hard-coded path.')
In the above section, there are two ways for the initialization, one without any given path, in which case the default path is used, and a second one with a given path, in which case the API code searches for OpticStudio at that specifc given location.
If you would like to run a specific version of OpticStudio, you can customize the initialization with the path where the specific version of OpticStudio that you would like to run is installed.
I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please let us know and we will be happy to help!
Hi Csilla,
Thank you for your answer!
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