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Is it possible to use “Testplatefitting via ZOS-API and python?


Thanks, Anja




I don’t think it is possible. The only mention of “plate” in the ZOS-API Syntax Help File is about the Test Plate List, which you could open with:


Since you’d have the values to test against. You could create the algorithm in Python, but it might be more work than you want.

Alternatively, ZPL seem to have a keyword TESTPLATEFIT that calls the test plate fitting routine.

Take care,



Hi David,


thanks for your answer. As you recommended, I solved my problem by using an own algorithm in Python.

My algorithm takes more time, but it was more helpful for my specific problem.

Best regards




Great to hear. If you'd be willing to share your implementation with others you could consider contributing it to ZOSPy. I think@jwbeenakker can give more details if you are interested :)


Take care,


