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April 2022 Community Updates

  • April 28, 2022
  • 1 reply

Zemax Staff
  • Zemax Staff
  • 337 replies


Welcome to the April edition of the Zemax’s Community review newsletter! This newsletter provides updates for you, the user, on items you might find interesting or helpful from the last month! Check out each of these items below:

Is there something else you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments below!


Featured Community Posts: Mathematica

In OpticStudio 22.1 Mathematica templates have been added to support Mathematica users when using ZOS-API. Since this, we have seen questions popping on the forum so if you are a Mathematic user, have a look as there might be the answer that you are looking for:


Knowledgebase Updates


Our Japanese Knowledgebase now features a larger collection of translated articles! Our Japanese Community Manager put together a list of some of his favorites below!


Zemax-er Spotlight: Dr. Helke Karen Hesse


Our Zemax-er spotlight this month is @Karen. Karen is a consultant working in Germany. She founded her company in 2016 She recently wrote an article that automates the process of comparing two designs (through the API) and making a report out of it (using Latex). To read more about Karen, click Show Content below. 

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Tell us about yourself

I have been working for about 13 years in optical industry as an optical designer. After 7 years in two different companies, I started my own business as an optical consultant, and have been working in a variety of projects ever since. From the design of a large flight simulator mirror optics, over riflescopes, VR and HMD systems, objective lenses for laser material processing to illumination optics - there is a broad range in different applications that I work on.


What industry trends are you excited about?

Solving optical design problems means encountering new challenges with every project. With the continuously evolving technology, creative solutions become possible, new ideas can be developed. Optical design means to learn something new nearly every day.


If you could offer one piece of advice to someone using OpticStudio, what would it be?

I would probably give the same advise that I got at the very beginning: If you have a powerful tool like Optics Studio at hand, you need to understand why it does what it does. If a result seams strange - that's not a matter of the software, but a matter of how to use the software. 


What contributions have you made to Zemax in the past that others should know about?

There is a recent article on the combination of ZOS-API and Latex for the automated generation of documentations.


If you have contributed a Knowledgebase article, what is it about? Who will benefit most from reading it?

The above mentioned article is of interest for everyone who has to generate similar extensive documentations on a regular base.


What's the most challenging problem you've addressed with the help of OpticStudio?

That's a difficult question, because each problem is different and can hardly be compared to another. A problem that took me quite some time was the simulation of a very complex interferometer. Another problem was about writing a customized code fo getting a prescribed illumination distribution with biconic aspheres. But the complexity was more on the theoretical and mathematical side, not on the Optics Studio side.


What do you enjoy most about the Zemax Community/forums?

I think that most of the problems which are encountered somewhere during optical design, have been already faced by someone else. And this is exactly what the community is good for: To find a quick solution to a problem, or to get ideas how to approach a problem.


Did this topic help you find an answer to your question?

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Watching the freelancing portfolio of Ms @Karen this morning, really inspirational for early career professionals like me. Thnaks @Allie mam for sharing this feed.


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