Yes, you can copy rows from an editor in one file and paste them into the editor of another file through the API.
As an example, I will paste the Multi-Configuration Editor operands from one file to a blank Multi-Configuration Editor in another file using the Matlab ZOS-API. Note that this can be done with all types of editors and also in python/C#/C++.
The trick here is defining both the PrimarySystem and also the second system TheSystem2.
TheSystem2 = TheApplication.CreateNewSystem(ZOSAPI.SystemType.Sequential);
Next you will need to load up the file you want to copy from and define both Multi-Configuartion Editors.
testFile = System.String.Concat(sampleDir, '\API\Matlab\MCE file 1.zmx');
TheMCE2 = TheSystem2.MCE;
Note that I am opening a file named 'MCE file 1.zmx' that I already have saved in my samples folder under \API\Matlab.
Now for us to be able to copy over the MCE specifically there must be the same amount of configurations in each file.
And finally we can copy all the operands over to the new file and save a new file named 'MCE file 2.zmx'.
If we wanted to this with the Lens Data Editor we would define TheLDE and use CopySurfacesFrom instead of CopyOperandsFrom. Similar changes can be made depending on the editor you are copying from.