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Envision 2020 Workshop: Advanced ZPL Programming

  • 6 October 2020
  • 2 replies

This forum thread should be used to continue the discussion from the Envision 2020 workshop, Advanced ZPL Programming.

Presenter: Alexandra Culler

Abstract: ZPL macros are a convenient way to expand the functionality of OpticStudio. In this talk, we will present several examples of advanced ZPL code and will introduce useful commands such as CALLMACRO, LABEL, and BUFFER. Finally, we will discuss methods for simplifying large or complex macros. This session is a follow-up to the Introduction to ZPL session delivered at Envision Barcelona earlier this year; slides from the previous session will be included as reference material.

You can also find the Envision 2020 LinkedIn group here.

Where do I download Alexandra's charts?  I wanted to study and try some of the techniques presented.

Hi Mike,


The ZPL macros I wrote are attached. I am also including the ZAR files I used to run them. Finally, you will also find the Excel workbook I used to generate the pseudo-plot for the RAID 2D output. Keep in mind - a similar plot can be made in OpticStudio with PLOT2D!



Let me know if you have any other questions about these!



This presentation was adapted from an OpticsTalk I held a few weeks ago. I posted some other coding solutions to the related forum post. You can find them here: 








