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Hi all,

I have created my source spectrum of mercury halogen lamp in sequentail mode

Sorce spectrum of Mercury Halogen lamp

I am facing two problems in that:

  1. I have created the spectrum but the color of bar at each wavelenght is not relative to its colors. I want to change the bar color according to its wavelenght. Is there any way for that?
  2. How can I do fitting my spectrum(Refer: Highlighted mark in figure)?
  3. Can I use this spectrum of light in nonsequential mode for illumination in system simulation?

Any leads and suggestion will be great and helpful.


Hi @sanjeev kumar.singh! I think there is an issue in your units. The units are micrometers but it seems like you defined nanometers.

Thanks @Sandrine Auriol, It works.

Brilliant! Thank you for letting me know.
