I have collimated light coming in to a Diffraction Grating (object material set to mirror). It is oriented at Lithrow angle such that green (for example) reflects right back along the optical axis. The Pitch axis is set to my lithrow angle. In this configuration I should be able to Yaw the grating, steering the rays like a mirror. However, there are 2 issues
1) If my yaw angle is 4 deg, for example, it does not steer by 8 degrees as expected
2) My 'blue' and 'red' wavelengths rotate around the 'green' wavelength as I yaw.
If I 'clock' the grating (z rotation) then I can derotate the rotation. For some reason, in order to steer, unclocked by 8 degrees, instead of a yaw of 4, I need a yaw of like 2.5, and a clock of 2.5 as well.
Has anyone experienced something similar. This is odd behavior. The yaw should simply steer it like a mirror, if the the grating lines are oriented in the pitch axis
Thank you