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Hi all,

I am encountering a problem while i convert design to black box. Design is with multi configuration. Is it possible to convert the design having multiconfiguration ino blackbox? 

@Mubeen Mahmood Puthiyangadi 


I’m not sure, but it doesn’t sound like it should be supported. Why not have one black box per configuration?

Take care,


Thanks for the reply. I am not aware of making black box per configuration. Do you have some inforation to share or any article on how to implement it.




@Mubeen Mahmood Puthiyangadi 


What I mean is that for each configuration, you delete all the other configurations (so your file becomes single configuration) and you save a black box. Then, you will have as many black boxes as you had configurations and your user can setup a multi-configuration with the different black boxes.

Take care,

