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Hi. I am working on designing projection optics where the object is a source with diverging angle of 24 degree. I used object cone angle definition and used telecentric object space feature to correctly model source. I am able to optimize the system for all the desired constraints except for one, the field of view in image space. The system produces collimated output (afocal in image space) and i want the full angle to be 24 degree. Upon manually measuring the lengths in layout window and calculating the theta, the approximate value comes out to be more than whats desired. How can i accurately know the value of theta? How can i optimize the system for desired value of theta?


There are a few different ways to find the output angle.  Assume we look at the chief ray (from the edge of the object-space field, with Hy = +/-1.0), a simple method is to use the RAID operand in the merit function editor.  Alternatively, you can use the y-direction cosine operand (REAB) for this ray.  Here is a simple example with a 11.3-degree beam:

To optimize for a particular value, simply enter your target angle value, set the weight to one (or perhaps larger if needed depending on what the rest of your merit function looks like), and then run the optimizer.

Thank you so much! This was very helpful
