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Optimization of a reflective grating

Hi everyone,

I am relatively new to Zemax and currently working on simulating reflective gratings for UV light (10 nm - 50 nm). I have successfully created my model using Toroidal Gratings surface and a multi-config setup with different wavelengths in my region of interest. I can observe diffraction and the various wavelengths in the generated images.

Now, I'm looking to optimize different parameters of the system such as angles, surface tilts, thickness, and so on. I believe there might be articles discussing this, but I haven't been able to locate them. Can you help me for this ?

Additionally, I attempted to test the wavelength resolution of the system. However, I encountered an issue when trying to set values like 0.01 um and 0.01008 um to achieve a resolution of 0.08 nm. Seems that I cannot set a value smaller that 0.011 um. Is there something specific I should be doing differently?




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