When I try to accessthe Design Templates Library from the LIbraries menu, OpticStudio simply crashes. No error message, no warning, nothing: simply it closes every windows.
I looked at the directory 'Documents\Zemax\Design Templates' and actually there are not the template files, but a single file (ZebaseDb.db). I remind here there were all the .zmx files, so I thought they have to be somehow extracted from the database. I re-installed last OpticStudio release (21.2.1), but I have the same problem. Any suggestion?
Best answer by Sandrine Auriol
Sorry about that. Yes we are aware of a bug affecting Dell XPS laptops with Nvidia graphics cards and our developers are working to fix it. We anticipate it will be in the release by netx month. Watch the release notes for the notice that it has been fixed. The previous version 21.1.2 (March 2021) does not have that bug, so maybe you can install it. You can have different versions of OpticStudio running on your computer as long as the installation path is different.
Sorry about that. Yes we are aware of a bug affecting Dell XPS laptops with Nvidia graphics cards and our developers are working to fix it. We anticipate it will be in the release by netx month. Watch the release notes for the notice that it has been fixed. The previous version 21.1.2 (March 2021) does not have that bug, so maybe you can install it. You can have different versions of OpticStudio running on your computer as long as the installation path is different.
This bug has been repaired as of the 21.2.2 (July 27th) release. You can download the newest version here. Note: It may take a moment for the templates to open, and they may open in the background of your current OpticStudio instance. However, I have tested on my laptop with an NVIDIA card and they seem to be working as before. Let us know if you have any other trouble with this!
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