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I am trying to create a circular beamsplitter with a 50:50 ideal coating on the top semicircle and no coating on the bottom semicircle. How can I achieve this?

So far I have tried to insert a “Standard Surface” at the front face of the glass wedge, applied a custom aperture to the surface, but then I found that I cannot apply a custom coating from MYCOATINGS.DAT to a Standard Surface in NSC.

Next, I tried to create a very thin cylindrical volume in front of my beamsplitter substrate. I applied my 50:50 coating to this surface, but I found that I could not apply an aperture.

So if I use a surface, I cannot apply a coating. If I use a volume, I cannot apply an aperture. What am I missing here?


Hi Julian,

Maybe you can also try to use a “Standard Lens” object, whose front and back sides can be coated independently? You can see an example in this article: How to model a dichroic beam splitter – Knowledgebase ( 

and may find this one useful, too: How to add coatings and scattering functions to Non-Sequential objects – Knowledgebase (


Try to use two volumes with different coatings on it.
