Hey gang, I saw this today: https://medium.com/codex/microsoft-integrates-python-natively-into-excel-ae2d1c794bab
Although I’ve not used it myself, I like how their simple integration of a new function =PY() gives Excel access to Python and all Python goodies.
Given the number of Pythonistas using OpticStudio via ZOS-API, and the great open-sourced Python links for OpticStudio (sorry I forget the name right now) it might be a relatively easy addition to make Python support built in. And a PYTH(filename$) function in ZPL would be soooo cool.
Note this is already supported via the ZPL COMMAND keyword
COMMAND executable arguments
But this would be a relatively easy way to give more polished support for Python. In particular, COMMAND launches the executable in its own thread, and does not wait for completion. I think adding waiting for completion as an option