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Question: I know the image sensor has 1280x960 pixels with 5 um pixel pitch. The system effective focal length is 10 mm. What is the Field of View of my system and how do I enter the field definition in the OpticStudio Field Data Editor?  

Answer: Knowing the X and Y pixel numbers and pixel size, we can calculate the image size. The ratio between the half diagonal length and the effective focal length is tangent of angle θ which is the Half Field of View (HFOV) angle. In this case, the HFOV angle is calculated to be 21.8 degrees. If you would like to use Angle as the field definition in your system, you can click open the Field Data Editor, and in Fields Wizard, choose Distribution: Equal-area Y Fields and enter Max Field Y as 21.8 degrees. 

Hi HuiChen,

Thank you very much for highlighting this important question.

Can you please specifiy how did you come up with the full diagonal, X-Full and Y_Full values? Also, how did the pixel pitch come into play?

Thank you very much.

