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Hello, I am writing a macro to open up all the windows I am interested in for a project I am doing.  I have figured out how to open up analysis windows, however I have not figured out how to open the merit function editor window.  How can I do this?

Also, a less important bonus question, is there a way to dock windows in a certain way from a macro?

Hi Monte,


To the best of my knowledge, this is not possible with a ZPL macro. The ZOS-API would allow it since the editors have methods such as ShowMFE() or HideMFE() to display or hide said editor in the user interface. In an interactive extension, you would simply type:



In the same spirit, you may be interested by this post about sorting the Merit Function operands by order of contribution.

For the bonus question, unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a way to arrange your windows programatically at the moment, but I could be wrong.

Take care,


