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HOE traslation from CodeV to ZOS

  • 7 July 2020
  • 1 reply

I am translating a customer’s Code V file with HOE diffrative surfaces to ZOS to make some non-sequential studies. I do not know how to configurate a holographic surface in ZOS to take into account the grooves of the holographic difractive surface in the stray analysis process. I will appreciate any help.

Besides, do you know what is the correspondence between the Code V HOE surface definition and the ZOS HOE definition?

Thanks in advance for your help.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hey Ana

I'd suggest you first translate the CodeV file to seqeuntial mode, and then convert from sequential to non-sequential mode.

To convert the CodeV file, use the built-in convertor (1)

This will show you exactly home the CodeV surface is translated, and there is also a lot of diagnostic information generated. Check that your file works as expected, and then use the NSC convertor (2) to get it into NSC mode.


- Mark



