False diffraction efficiency for holograms in Universal Plot

  • 4 February 2021
  • 1 reply

Simulating a simple reflective hologram using the hologram surface or the user defined surface with the Kogelnik dll now use the Kogelnik theory to calculate the diffraction efficiency (only for positive propagation distances in front of the hologram). Analyzing the efficiency with the 'Polarization and Surface Physics -> Diffraction efficiency' function works fine. Using the UniversalPlot function with the CODA opperator delivers the same result ONLY if the analyzed configuration is the current one. Choosing any other config in the Universal Plot window results in totally wrong results. I guess that is only a minor issue but it would be nice if you could fix it. 

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Hello Adrian

Thank you for reporting this. Do you have a file you could share with us? If not, don't worry we'll build something.

