There are several problems.
First, the Help File reads:
Each point in the grid requires 4 8-byte double precision values and 1 1-byte value, or 33 bytes.
Your grid is 90 601 x 90 601 as defined in the first line of your file:
90601 90601 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 1
which also has an additional 1
that I don’t know what its used for (its probably not the problem anyway).
90 601 x 90 601 = 8 208 541 201, times 33 bytes, this is 270 881 859 633 bytes or about 270 GB. Do you have that kind of memory in your system?
Anyway, there is another problem, although you have 90 601 x 90 601 defined in the file, you only have 90 601 lines of data in the file. For reference, the Help File reads:
The remaining nx*ny lines of the file contain four (floating point) numbers and (optionally) one integer each.
Therefore, OpticStudio expects more lines (exactly 8 208 541 201 plus the header line) in you file.
Lastly, every data line only has 3 numbers, and as specified in the Help File above, its should have at least 4 numbers (the last one being the cross derivative).
I hope this helps, and take care,