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Hi Everyone, 


I am currently working on a fiber coupling efficiency problem. I have a .zbf that I got from Lumerical as an input mode of my system. I want to propagate this mode onto a lambertian surface and then importance sample the rays that goes to another lens.As an ouput, I want to generate the mode and save it to open it in lumerical and calculate the overlap. 


I guess there are two differents problem here, first the lambertian surface and the importance sampling. Second, save the ouput mode to calculate the overlap in Lumerical. 


Thanks for your help. 


Best regards, 



Hi Martin!

A ZBF file is the format we use in OpticStudio to define the input beam in Physical Optics Propagation (POP). It is an array describing the electric field. POP is a module only available in the sequential mode of our software. But in sequential mode, you can work with scattering but it is pretty limited. And POP doesn't take into account scattering.

So a solution could be to work in mixed-mode, i.e. to add a non-sequential component surface in the sequential editor. In the non-sequential component surface, you can define the lens with the lambertian scattering and importance sampling. When the beam will travel through that portion, POP will consider it as rays. You can then save the resulting ZBF.

I haven't tested any of these so if you have any difficulty let us know. We'll be happy to investigate this further.


Hi Martin!

I saw you also sent a message in our support inbox. I think my previous answer is incorrect because POP doesn't consider scattered rays.

