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Copying glass into a different catalog

  • 23 July 2024
  • 2 replies



Is there a way to copy a glass from one catalog to another in the newer versions of Zemax? I was able to do this in the earlier versions of Zemax but it seems that the copy glass functionality is not available in the 2024 R2 version. I have included screenshots of the materials catalog from both Opticstudio 18.9 and 2024R2 to show the difference.

Screenshot from 18.9:


Screenshot from 2024R2:


Thank you,


It looks like a bug that is fixed in the 2024 R2.01 update. 


Thanks for the reply. We are indeed using the older R2.00 version which we downloaded last week on the 16th from Ansys download center. I see that we missed the updated R2.01 version just by a day - we will go install the new version now.
