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Convert to Non sequential

  • 7 December 2020
  • 1 reply

Dear Zemax support Team,

I'm trying to convert my SEQ design to a NSQ mode, but by doing this I loose my coordinate reference frame. I placed a sphere to highlight the position of the coordinate reference frame in NSQ. The reference frame I need is assigned to surface 16 in the SEQ design.

I would be glad if you can help me understanding what is wrong in my approach. I send you the SEQ and the converted NSQ files.

Thanks for your help.

Best regard



1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi Gabriele,

We've had some interesting discussions here about your question. The system really should not be doing what you are describing, and we may have to write this up on our end as a bug. For now, I would say that your best bet is to look at the prescription data. For each surface, there is a section on rotation matrices that also has an X, Y, Z coordinate section. This will tell you how far off your desired global reference surface is from where the actual 0,0,0 point is, and you could then put a dummy object at the very start of your system and have objects reference that, to correct for the error the converter did.

That's what I can think of for now, but I don't consider this a finished topic. I wanted to get you some kind of answer today. We will look further into this.
