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Coating substitution optimization

  • 2 July 2024
  • 2 replies


it seems that it is not possible to set coatings as “substitute” and use the global search to find the best coating for a surface, like we do for glasses.

I’m designing NIR achromatic lenses and used global search function to find the best glasses for chromatic correction and good transmission, for the moment using I.99999 ideal coating, but now I would like to find the best coating available.

Any idea?



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

You can’t really optimize coatings in OpticStudio, though you can vary layer thicknesses to produce the best as-placed performance. Usually you just place coatings on the surface and look at the perfromance data to select the best one. Coating selection by Substitution is not supported AFAIK.

  • Mark
Userlevel 7
Badge +2

I agree with @Mark.Nicholson. If you really want to, you could perform the coating substitution with the ZOS-API. In pseudo-code you would:

  1. Connect to your file
  2. Substitute coating
  3. Run optimizer
  4. Store the MF value
  5. Back to 2 until all coatings of interests have been tried
  6. Pick the coating that leads to best MF value

I hope this helps and take care,


