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Blazed diffraction grating

  • 25 May 2020
  • 7 replies

Good day, colleagues.

Is there a way to model a blazed diffraction grating in OpticStudio?

Kind regards


7 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hello Alexandra,

Thanks for your question here!

Please check out the following knowledge base article that describes in detail how diffractive surfaces are modeled in OpticStudio. In brief, the physical structure of gratings is not modeled in Zemax; instead, a phase change is used to redirect rays:

How diffractive surfaces are modeled in OpticStudio – Knowledgebase (

You can also take a look to the sample files in your Zemax/Samples/Sequential/Diffractive Components folder, as well as the Zemax/Samples/Non-sequential/Diffractives folder. The main difference between diffraction in NSC and sequential mode is that you can only diffract into one order in sequential mode, but multiple orders are supported in NSC.




Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hi Alexandra,

If you would like to learn more about this topic, please check out our next webinar on June 3 or 4:

Design an Optimal Diffractive Grating with Lumerical FDTD and Zemax OpticStudio

Zemax CTO Sanjay Gangadhara and ANSYS Lumerical’s James Pond will demonstrate how to design and simulate optimal diffraction gratings using Lumerical’s FDTD and Zemax’s OpticStudio. They will focus on a new grating calculator that can be used – via data exchange – to input into OpticStudio a diffraction grating’s complex transmission and reflection coefficients as calculated by FDTD.

You may register, and find more upcoming webinars in the following link:



Hello! To add something to the previous question: I see a lot of examples for transmission diffraction gratings. How do we model reflective gratings? Is it enough to change the 'Material' parameter into MIRROR? Or is there anything else we should take care of?

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi Cinzia,

Yes, to model a reflective grating you just need to set the material of your diffraction grating as “Mirror”. I attach a sample file so you can have it as a reference.


Is there any video Tutorial available for designing and optimization of the diffractive grating? 

I want to optimize the diffraction efficiency of the step-index profile for two different wavelengths as discussed in this article.


Hello Alexandra,


Thanks for your question here!



Please check out the following knowledge base article that describes in detail how diffractive surfaces are modeled in OpticStudio. In brief, the physical structure of gratings is not modeled in Zemax; instead, a phase change is used to redirect rays:



You can also take a look to the sample files in your Zemax/Samples/Sequential/Diffractive Components folder, as well as the Zemax/Samples/Non-sequential/Diffractives folder. The main difference between diffraction in NSC and sequential mode is that you can only diffract into one order in sequential mode, but multiple orders are supported in NSC.











Hi Csilla,

the link you posted seams to not work anymore. Is the article still available?



Userlevel 3
Badge +2

For an updated link please find the article here:  How diffractive surfaces are modeled in OpticStudio
