An array of hundreds even thousands sphere mirrors

  • 17 June 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi~I want to make an array of hundreds even thousands sphere mirrors. Each sphere mirror(about 5000mm in radius  and 80mm in diameter) has it's own coordinate and tilt  angle. I should input each sphere mirror in non-sequential component editor one by one?   Is there a fast way to model this? 

Many thanks~

1 reply

Userlevel 1

Hi, not sure what you want to model, but if you have a signifcant number of items to fill into zemax, use the ZOS-API. There are some nice examples which show you how to populate a Zemax file and save it. Alternatively use a macro in ZPL. I recommend the ZOS-API which might be slower to learn at first but reaps rewards in usefullness afterwards.

