Hi All,
I am looking for a template to create a user-defined surface dll in c#.
Can someone provide me with this. I'm new to C# and UD surfaces.
Many Thanks!
oMod note: moved to the DLL subforum]
Hi All,
I am looking for a template to create a user-defined surface dll in c#.
Can someone provide me with this. I'm new to C# and UD surfaces.
Many Thanks!
oMod note: moved to the DLL subforum]
Hi Hans-Jürgen,
Here is one example to change the surface type to User Defined and you can choose one of .DLL file in the surface property (e.g., us_anasp.dll here I used with index of 3).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
// Add your custom code here...
// creates a new API directory
string strPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TheApplication.SamplesDir, @"API\\CS4");
// Set up primary optical system
string sampleDir = TheApplication.SamplesDir;
string testFile = sampleDir + "\\API\\CS4\\e01_new_file_and_quickfocus.zos";
// Make new file
// Aperture
ISystemData TheSystemData = TheSystem.SystemData;
TheSystemData.Aperture.ApertureValue = 40;
// Fields
IField Field_1 = TheSystemData.Fields.GetField(1);
IField NewField_2 = TheSystemData.Fields.AddField(0, 5.0, 1.0);
// Wavelength preset
bool slPreset = TheSystemData.Wavelengths.SelectWavelengthPreset(WavelengthPreset.d_0p587);
// Lens data
ILensDataEditor TheLDE = TheSystem.LDE;
ILDERow Surface_1 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(1);
ILDERow Surface_2 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(2);
ILDERow Surface_3 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(3);
// Changes surface cells in LDE
Surface_1.Thickness = 50.0;
Surface_1.Comment = "Stop is free to move";
Surface_2.Radius = 100.0;
Surface_2.Thickness = 10.0;
Surface_2.Comment = "front of lens";
Surface_2.Material = "N-BK7";
Surface_3.Comment = "rear of lens";
// Changes surface type to User Defined
ISurfaceTypeSettings SurfaceType_UD = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(2).GetSurfaceTypeSettings(SurfaceType.UserDefined);
string[] aFiles = SurfaceType_UD.GetFileNames();
SurfaceType_UD.Filename = aFiles.GetValue(3).ToString();
// Solver
ISolveData Solver = Surface_3.RadiusCell.CreateSolveType(SolveType.FNumber);
Solver._S_FNumber.FNumber = 10;
// QuickFocus
IQuickFocus quickFocus = TheSystem.Tools.OpenQuickFocus();
quickFocus.Criterion = QuickFocusCriterion.SpotSizeRadial;
quickFocus.UseCentroid = true;
// Save and close
Hi Xianglei,
thanks but what I am looking for, to create/built an user-defined surface DLL written in c#
Unfortunately User-defined DLL`s can only be applied within a C or C++ environment. It might be quite difficult to adapt some sort of a converter from a scripting language such as C#. However, I will dig a bit into that, as we would also internally welcome to have some new language preferences in that sense.
I`ll keep you posted here.
Let me know if you have any other questions,
Hi Hans-Jürgen,
Here is one example to change the surface type to User Defined and you can choose one of .DLL file in the surface property (e.g., us_anasp.dll here I used with index of 3).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
// Add your custom code here...
// creates a new API directory
string strPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TheApplication.SamplesDir, @"API\\CS4");
// Set up primary optical system
string sampleDir = TheApplication.SamplesDir;
string testFile = sampleDir + "\\API\\CS4\\e01_new_file_and_quickfocus.zos";
// Make new file
// Aperture
ISystemData TheSystemData = TheSystem.SystemData;
TheSystemData.Aperture.ApertureValue = 40;
// Fields
IField Field_1 = TheSystemData.Fields.GetField(1);
IField NewField_2 = TheSystemData.Fields.AddField(0, 5.0, 1.0);
// Wavelength preset
bool slPreset = TheSystemData.Wavelengths.SelectWavelengthPreset(WavelengthPreset.d_0p587);
// Lens data
ILensDataEditor TheLDE = TheSystem.LDE;
ILDERow Surface_1 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(1);
ILDERow Surface_2 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(2);
ILDERow Surface_3 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(3);
// Changes surface cells in LDE
Surface_1.Thickness = 50.0;
Surface_1.Comment = "Stop is free to move";
Surface_2.Radius = 100.0;
Surface_2.Thickness = 10.0;
Surface_2.Comment = "front of lens";
Surface_2.Material = "N-BK7";
Surface_3.Comment = "rear of lens";
// Changes surface type to User Defined
ISurfaceTypeSettings SurfaceType_UD = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(2).GetSurfaceTypeSettings(SurfaceType.UserDefined);
string[] aFiles = SurfaceType_UD.GetFileNames();
SurfaceType_UD.Filename = aFiles.GetValue(3).ToString();
// Solver
ISolveData Solver = Surface_3.RadiusCell.CreateSolveType(SolveType.FNumber);
Solver._S_FNumber.FNumber = 10;
// QuickFocus
IQuickFocus quickFocus = TheSystem.Tools.OpenQuickFocus();
quickFocus.Criterion = QuickFocusCriterion.SpotSizeRadial;
quickFocus.UseCentroid = true;
// Save and close
Hi Xianglei,
thanks but what I am looking for, to create/built an user-defined surface DLL written in c#
Hello Hans-Jürgen Feige
You can try this out, and see if it works; https://www.onlinegdb.com/# you can change the programming language using the options located at upside right
alternatively, chatGPT is somewhat a solution which might be unavailable due to high demand.
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