ZPL Macro: Plotting real entrance pupil in 3D layout.

Userlevel 6
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For wide angle system, it can be interesting to visualize the position and the size of a real entrance pupil in different field angles. This macro will compute with real ray tracing real entrance pupil information for different field angles. It then adds the entrance pupil as a dummy surface and each “field” entrance pupil is defined into a configuration. 
The macro assumes axial-symmetric, only y field and the field angle in object is positive. Ray-Aiming should be turned on to correctly run this macro. It may only work with field type Angle and Object Height.

How to use:  Just run the macro, and open 3D Layout with showing central field and all configs.


Click here to download

Date Version OpticStudio Version Comment
2018-02-26 2.0 - Fixed some issues by calculate the pupil points before
adding any config or surface (Michael Cheng)
2018-02-03 1.0 - Creation

2 replies


Userlevel 3

Worked for me. Very handy macro, I’ve always struggled to visualize wide angle entrance pupils in my head... Thank you @Michael Cheng 
