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This User-Defined Surface DLL provides a realistic model of relief-type diffractive lenses based on zone-decomposition. Using zone-decomposition, diffraction into multiple orders can be accurately considered at once, and this method inherently accounts for wavelength dispersion and diffraction efficiency by modelling the actual shape of the diffractive element.

Application examples include the creation of advanced intraocular lens models, where the different orders are designed to provide sharp vision for multiple viewing distances, thereby substituting accommodation of the natural crystalline lens.
This application is discussed in detail in the following knowledgebase article:
Realistic modeling of relief-type diffractive intraocular lenses using User-Defined Surface DLLs – Knowledgebase (


Click here to download

Date Version OpticStudio Version Comment
2022/07/15 1.0 - Creation


great stuff!  is this just me, the DLL download link under “Source code download link:”, did not work, gave me error message as below.  Could you please help check on the link?

You are not authorized to access this page.

Sorry, you have no access to this page.

Hello @yip310 ,

Thanks for your post here.

Source codes shared on the Code Exchange are only available for download for supported customers.
Unfortunately, our system did not recognize you as a supported customer, that is why you got the error message.
We have fixed this on the backend and changed your status to supported, so you now you should be able to download the files. Can you please log in and then try to download again?

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Worked.  Thanks a lot!

It' s a great article, but like yip310, when I check the source code link, the page shows "You are not authorized to access this page". Could you please give me some help to download it?

The article in the knowledgebase gives me an idea to build a diffractive multifocal IOL in ZEMAX. I tried to write a USD DLL for trifocal IOL and was able to show three focal points in TF MTF, but the FFT PSF did not work like the results in the article. 

Dear Madam,

I tried to download this DLL file, but it shows this message “You are not authorized to access this page”. What should I do. Could you help with this.

Thank you

Hi @Falm ,

Thanks for your post.

Only customers with supported licenses are eligible to download source codes shared on the Code Exchange.
According to our records, your license is a Student license provided through our Global Academic Program.
Unfortunately, as of now, Student license holders are not eligible to download source codes, that is why you got the error message.

Hi @Karthick.c ,

Thank you for your post.

As said, only customers with supported licenses are eligible to download source codes shared on the Code Exchange.
Unfortunately, according to our records, you are not listed as an end user of any supported license, and therefore you are not eligible to download source codes. In order to get access, you would need be registered as an end user of a supported license.

Dear Madam,


How to convert the focus shift into Diopters in the FFT Through Focus MTF.

Kindly give your suggestion.



