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Hi guys,

Here is another set of task focus on Energy on a detector.


  1. Compute and plot the EOD of a system over a defocus range for the specified field points

  2. Shift an optical element over a range of axial shifts and compare the change in EOD

  3. Compute and plot the percent EOD (energy on detector) over a linear field.

  4. Compute and plot the EOD (energy on detector) for a range of focus shifts

  5. Compute and plot the change in EOD (encircled or ensquared energy on a detector) over the 2D rectangular FOV

  6. Plot the change in EOD (encircled or ensquared energy on a detector) times the normalized PSA over the FOV. Assumes that the macros EOD_VS_FOV and VIG_VS_FOV have been run.

Thank you!

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