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The program in the following file assigns random values ​​to the specified Zernike terms. This ZPL works in non-sequential mode but not in sequential mode.
Where do I need to modify it to make it work in sequential mode?

Lens data is attached in another file.



The macro sets non-sequential parameters using the keyword SETNSCPARAMETER. In sequential mode, to set a parameter, you would use SETSURFACEPROPERTY or SURP. The syntax looks like so (for a parameter):

SURP surface, PARM, parameter_value, parameter_number

surface should be the surface number of the Zernike surface, parameter_value is the random value you want to assign, and parameter_number is the column number of the corresponding Zernike term you want to assign. If you have a doubt about the parameter_number, add a Standard Surface before the Zernike surface, and click in the cell just above the Zernike term you are interested in.

4th Order Term cell selected
Selecting a cell from a Standard Surface just above the 4th Order Term cell reveals the column number Par 2(unused). This means this column is parameter_number = 2.

I hope this helps.

Take care,

