Dear support team,
I have problems understanding the behaviour of the PDL statement GETTEXTFILE in combination with the settingsfile:
I am using GETTEXTFILE for Huygens PSF simulations.
My questions:
1. Which settings are used if no settingsfile is given at all? It seems that in this case the settings that are saved with the 'save' button in the 'Huygns PSF' window are used. Is this correct and always the case? Does it additionaly depend on the 'flag' setting?
2. With flag=2 the settings box for the requested feature should be displayed. This doesn't seem to happen. No setting box appears. Or is this only the case in combination with an explicit settingsfile? I tryed w/o settingsfile.
3. How can I make sure that the current settings in the 'Huygns PSF' window are used for the simulation?
Thank you and best regards,
Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Division: Optical and Interpretative Astronomy
Giessenbachstr. 1
85748 Garching
Phone.: +49 89 30000 3693