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I have a lens file open, with some analysis windows open.  Using ZPL, I want to loop through and change the .CFG file (this is for a detector window in non-sequential.).   I haven't done it yet, but I think this will change the settings: 

         ModifySettings (filename,DVW_FILTER, ‘new_filter_string”, ‘DVR’) , or something like that, once I get the quotes straightened out.

    However, my question is:  How do I force the open analysis window to update with the new .cfg file? In ZPL Macro, there does not seem to be any command like:  LoadNewConfig(Filename, WindowNumber).

   I know I might be able to open a new analysis window, but for reasons of being able to see what is going on, I'll save that for Option B.

thanks for your time.   


ModifySettings will work like you think, but it will not modify the settings of an already open window. You'll need to use OPENWINDOW to create a new instance that uses your new congiguration. Fortunately, there's also CLOSEWINDOW so that you don't get windows croding your screen.

- M
