
Calling a .ZPL macro from a tolerance script

  • 3 November 2023
  • 1 reply


TLDR: Is there a way to run a .ZPL macro from within a tolerance script? I’m trying to add and remove fields during the tolerance script used in my Monte Carlo simulation because I suspect this could make things run a little faster but so I made an “add_fields.ZPL” and a  “remove_fields.ZPL”.


Context: Have a tolerance script that has a few optimizations and a final performance evaluation merit function is called. I don’t need all the fields for the optimization but I do for the final performance evaluation. So two questions…

1)  I’m assuming more fields (especially with ray aiming) will slow down my nested optimizations even if I’m not calling all of the fields in the merit function, is this true? 

2)  Any way to call the macros I made “add_fields.ZPL” and a  “remove_fields.ZPL”? Or alternatively, can I play around with SYSP during a tolerance script?




1 reply

Userlevel 3

1)  I’m assuming more fields (especially with ray aiming) will slow down my nested optimizations even if I’m not calling all of the fields in the merit function, is this true? 

If there is no operands in MF for the specific field it shouldn’t influence on the speed. So just read two different merit functions to optimize and get the final results.
