Dear community,
I have a question about the CRVT operand. First a bit of background:
I have a simple system: an optical fiber in front of a collimating lens:

I am trying to do a thermal analysis. When the min and max temperature are added under (Sytem → Make thermal), the multi-configuration editor opens and a whole list of operands are shown.
One of them is CVRT:

I noticed that it is not the same value as what I see for surface 3 in the lens data editor:

When I check the definition of CRVT I read: “If the multi-configuration operand is a CRVT, then the curvature of that surface for that configuration is computed from the curvature in the nominal configuration, the difference in temperature between the two configurations, and the TCE for that material.”
I have now a question:
1. Nominal configuration; That would be the configuration where T is the default temperature, I assume? That is 20 degrees celsius. However, the configuration 1 is also configured to be T=20 degrees. So, then the difference in temperature is 0.
Overall, I find it difficult to interpret the CRVT value. Could someone explain it to me?
I appreciate the help!