Hi everyone!
Are you looking for a consultant to aid in your design work? Or are you a consultant who wants to get your name out there?
This thread will serve as a list of Zemax Consultants. It is a Google-indexed replacement for the Zemax Consultants webpage, which was removed. Thanks to
If you're a consultant, please reply with your company information. Include your website and a little blurb about the kind of consulting work you do. Additionally, consider updating your Profile with a signature and some information about your business so other users can see your credentials as you reply to posts.
If you are looking for a consultant, please reach out to the consultants via their website or via a private message. Do not reply to this thread requesting services.
Please note: the consultants on this list are self-reporting, and are not endorsed by Ansys Zemax. We reserve the right to remove consultants from this list if they fail to meet the standards set by our Community policies or by the Ansys Zemax End User license agreement.