May 31st, 2022
Tools, Features, and Capabilities
- Improved ZMX file type support - You can now set default file format in the Project Preferences to either the modern binary file format (ZOS) or the legacy text-based file format (ZMX). This way, OpticStudio starts a new lens file and saves it in your preferred format. Both file formats now also support all features and previous warnings about the deprecation of the ZMX format have been removed.
- More file types supported by Project Directories - Introduced in OpticStudio 21.3, the Project Directory system enables easy packaging and storage of important Zemax files so that they can be easily accessed and manipulated on a project-by-project basis. In OpticsViewer, it is possible to open and save files from Project Directories that are created in OpticStudio whilst retaining the file structure. However, these directories cannot be created in OpticsViewer. Project Directories now also support the following file types:
- Grid files (.GRD)
- EULUMDAT source files (.LDT)
- Tolerance files (.TOP, .DLL)
- Black Box files (.ZBB)
- User-Defined Aperture files (.UDA)
Libraries and Catalogs
- The Ohara materials catalog has been updated to include 6 new materials and updated transmission data for PBL35Y.
- The Qioptiq Asslar Test Plate List has been updated to include more than 200 new test plates.
- The Coating.DAT file was updated to include the ZEC_AR-16 coating by MKS Instruments.
Bug Fixes
- ZOS file type - Fixed an issue where ZPL Solves were incorrectly stored in the ZOS file format.