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[ZOS-API] Can I run Standalone and Interactive Extension at the same time?

  • 8 April 2020
  • 1 reply

Are you having any problem with trying to run two different modes in a ZOS-API code?

Here is some tricks for you!!

First, if you exactly need to run two mode in a code, remember that you can only have one "IZOSAPI_Application" at a time. You will need to close the previous application in one mode in order to open it.  In below, we provided a sample code.


import os

from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch

from win32com.client import gencache

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Create Connection

gencache.EnsureModule('{EA433010-2BAC-43C4-857C-7AEAC4A8CCE0}', 0, 1, 0)

gencache.EnsureModule('{F66684D7-AAFE-4A62-9156-FF7A7853F764}', 0, 1, 0)

TheConnection = EnsureDispatch("ZOSAPI.ZOSAPI_Connection")

if TheConnection is None:

raise PythonStandaloneApplication.ConnectionException("Unable to intialize COM connection to ZOSAPI")

# Test for Extension

TheExtApplication = TheConnection.ConnectAsExtension(0)

if TheExtApplication is None:

raise Exception("Unable to acquire TheExtApplication")

if not TheExtApplication.IsValidLicenseForAPI:

raise Exception("License is not valid for ZOSAPI use")

TheExtSystem = TheExtApplication.PrimarySystem

if TheExtSystem is None:

raise Exception("Unable to acquire _TheIESystem")

# Do something in Interactive Extension


# Test for Standalone

TheStandApplication = TheConnection.CreateNewApplication()

if TheStandApplication is None:

raise PythonStandaloneApplication.InitializationException("Unable to acquire TheStandApplication")

if TheStandApplication.IsValidLicenseForAPI == False:

raise PythonStandaloneApplication.LicenseException("License is not valid for ZOSAPI use")

TheStandSystem = TheStandApplication.PrimarySystem

if TheStandSystem is None:

raise PythonStandaloneApplication.SystemNotPresentException("Unable to acquire _TheSASystem")

# Do something in Stand Alone

On the other hand, there is actually a potentially better solution depending on your purpose. That is, in ZOS-API, you are allowed to have multiple IOpticalSystem simultaneously. Just check the following methods!!



at IZOSAPI_Application


at IOpticalSystem

Hope this is what you are looking for!

Thank you for reading!
Thank you Michael!
